Scrappy Quilt Update

Coming up with a plan for scrap fabric isn’t the easiest.  If you sew a lot you probably have a lot of scraps… unless you are a rebel and toss it all!  But, that’s not me, I always feel like I will use it… at some point! And I have a lot of it.  It can feel pretty daunting to think about pulling it all out and making a plan for it.  So… I decided to not really make a plan!  I decided to just make tiny four square blocks and solid blocks the same size as the tiny four square blocks to break up the pattern.  Not having a real plan felt a lot more free!  And, it should hopefully stick to my scrappy plan!

So, with my no plan set.  I got started and continue to make progress!

In a previous post I showed that I chain pieced a bunch of my 2″ squares together.  I pressed those and chained the corresponding matching pieces together.

Well check it out! I got a ton of my little four square blocks completed for my scrappy quilt!  I didn’t actually count how many I completed, but I have a nice stack of them.

Here are the chained pieces!


I pressed my blocks and just laid a bunch of them out to see how it might look!


For now I am going to set this aside until I gather and cut some more fabric scraps. I want to make sure I can mix a lot of “old” and “new” scraps together to ensure it all comes together nicely.

I also really want to get a design wall made. I think this scrappy quilt will really need to get laid out and planned to make sure I get a nice balance!

So tell me, what do you do with your fabric scraps?

Bye for now.


4 responses to “Scrappy Quilt Update”

  1. When I can I make pillows, fabric baskets, zipper pouches and pot holders with my scraps. Now that we’ve downsized I don’t have a great place to store scraps. Mostly I mail them back to a nursing home where my friend works…the ladies there love to hand piece and quilt.


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